Transactions are fetched from the bank every time we automatically sync a connection and when our sync endpoint is called.
Every time that we fetch transactions from the bank we do a reconciliation with the transactions that we currently have stored to update any fields such as status or description.
Transactions Webhooks
As a best practice we recommend to consume all of our transactions webhooks so you can get notified when transactions are added, updated, deleted or restored. This is important if you are storing a copy of the transactions retrieved from our API as it will help you to have them up to date.
You will find more info about this in our webhooks section .
Pending and posted transactions
Some transactions initially have a status of pending and after a couple of days they change to posted. Besides the change of status there are other fields that can change such as the description and date.
When we detect that transactions transition from pending to posted you will receive one of the following webhoooks:
Transaction updated webhook: This is when the bank keeps the same id for the transaction or if we are able to detect that the transaction is the same even thought the bank changed the id. The Moneyhub transaction id remains unchanged.
Transaction deleted webhook + New transaction webhook: If we are unable to detect that the transaction is the same when it goes from pending to posted you will get a delete webhook for the pending transaction and a new transaction webhook for the posted transaction. The Moneyhub transaction id changes as a new transaction has been created to replace the pending one.
Fetch Transactions By Ids
We allow for transactions to be retrieved by sending a list of IDs of transactions you wish to get. This is done by setting the ids
query parameter on the GET transactions end point.
We only allow for a maximum of 50 transaction IDs to be sent per request. Any more will result in a bad request error being returned.
If any IDs aren't valid UUIDs, a bad request error will also be returned.
If any valid UUIDs that are sent in the request aren't found, we will still return a successful response, but have a property in the meta object of missingTransactionIds
which will be an array of transactions IDs we couldn't retrieve.
We recommend fetching several transactions in a single go when receiving multiple ids on any of the transactions webhooks.
Updated 6 months ago