Historical balances
When syncing an account we only receive the latest balance available but as the time progress a history of balances builds up as we keep saving the new balance every time that the account is synced.
Prediction of previous balances
Our API enhances the balances of an account after initial connection, by calculating previous balances using the transaction history retrieved from the bank. This means that even though we only receive the latest balance, our API exposes a history of balances straight away, depending of the number of months worth of transactions that we were able to fetch from the bank.
This is only enabled for current accounts, savings accounts and credit cards.
Historical balances for an account can be accessed using the following endpoint:
Balances may not be available for every single date when predicting previous balances as this is based on the number of transactions that the account has.
When will I see these historical balances?
On initial connection, a partial sync is performed, which does not estimate historical balances, due to retrieving only some of the available transactions.
Just after that, a full sync is performed, which does estimate historical balances. Once you have received a postConnectionEnrichmentCompleted webhook from this second sync, the historical balances have been created (if available).
Updated over 1 year ago