ISIN Code Matching
How is the confidence level of the ISIN look up calculated?
The score is calculated based on the similarity between the name that comes from the provider and the name that we have. If a conversion from SEDOL code was possible the score will always be 1. A score below about 0.4 could be a false positive and you may wish to ignore these results
What is priceGBP
in the ISIN matches response?
in the ISIN matches response?The priceGBP
field is populated using pricing data from a 3rd-party financial data provider and irepresents the total market value of the holding in GBP.
In most cases, the value is sourced directly from the matched ISIN data during our import process. When both unitPrice
and quantity
are available, it may be calculated as unitPrice
* quantity
. However, discrepancies can occur when the provider's market data does not align with these fields.
The priceGBP
field provides additional context for the ISIN match - this can help with validating or enriching the holding's data during reconciliation or reporting.
Updated about 1 month ago