Balance Threshold

Id: balanceThreshold

Event that notifies when an account balance has crossed one of the specified balance thresholds on an account

Thresholds can be set on the account using the API methods that are documented here.

Please note that this webhook also works for negative threshold values and balances. For example, if a threshold of type less than (lt) with a value of -10000 was created, this would trigger on an account balance of -£100.01.

Event Payload

accountUidstringAccount Id
accountNamestringAccount Name
balanceAtTimeGenerationobjectThe balance at the time the notification was generated. This balance will be in major units of the currency e.g. pounds.
matchedThresholdsarrayThe threshold that was crossed. The value here will be in minor units and will match the value passed into the /accounts/{accountId}/notification-thresholds endpoint when creating the threshold.

Example payload

  "accountUid": "6d0baf11-248e-4c11-9c04-97b7758b4e04",
  "accountName": "Test Account",
  "balanceAtTimeGeneration": {
    date: "2020-01-10",
    amount: 50, 
    currency: "GBP"
  "matchedThresholds": [
      type: "lt", 
      value: 100