Create a Pay Link

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a pay link using the /pay-links endpoint of our API. The pay links for the pay link widget must be generated via our API. Below, we'll provide a detailed description of each required property and step-by-step actions for making the request.


A pay link is a unique URL that allows users to make payments seamlessly via the Pay Link Widget. By creating a pay link, you provide an easy way for others to transfer money to a specified account. This document guides you through the necessary steps to create a pay link using the MoneyHub API.


General Requirements

Ensure you have the following setup before proceeding:

  • You have an Admin Portal User
  • You have created an API Client with pay_link:create and pay_link:read scopes enabled.
  • You have created a Pay Link Widget in the Admin Portal
  • You have installed the moneyhub-api-client library (optional)

Obtain Access Token

Before creating a pay link, you need to obtain an access token. Follow our authentication guide to get a client credentials token and make sure you set it with the pay_link:create scope.

Note: If you also wish to access the pay links later on, include pay_link:read scope as well.

Obtain payeeId

To create a pay link, you will need a payeeId. You can create a payee programmatically using the Payee Management API.

Note: If you do not have a payeeId, you can optionally pass in payee details directly when creating the pay link (described below).

Create a Pay Link

With the access_token and payeeId obtained, you can now create a pay link using the /pay-links endpoint.





Content-Type: application/json  
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN


  "widgetId": "b6393c9b-2f9f-4a12-a3b0-da8b0d3c6f8a",  
  "payeeId": "a5c2394d-f1bb-4f8f-98fb-65cf2c4d087c", 
  "reference": "slytherin",  
  "amount": 1500,  
  "endToEndId": "Hogwards-2024",  
  "useOnce": true,  
  "expiresAt": "2021-02-01T11:08:45.574Z"  


widgetIdA unique identifier for the pay link widget.
payeeIdA unique identifier for the payee.
referenceA reference string for the transaction.
amountThe amount for the payment in minor units.
endToEndIdA unique identifier for tracking the transaction end-to-end.
useOnceA boolean indicating whether the pay link can only be used once.
expiresAtThe expiration date and time for the pay link in ISO 8601 format.


Optionally Pass in Payee Details Directly

If you do not have an existing payeeId created via our API, you can pass in payee details instead and we will create a new payee. This approach can be useful for testing but is not recommended for ongoing use.

  "widgetId": "b6393c9b-2f9f-4a12-a3b0-da8b0d3c6f8a",  
  "payee": {
      "accountNumber": "88888888",
      "sortCode": "666666",
      "name": "Harry Potter",
  "reference": "slytherin",  
  "amount": 1500,  
  "endToEndId": "Hogwards-2024",  
  "useOnce": true,  
  "expiresAt": "2021-02-01T11:08:45.574Z"  

 Example using cURL

curl -X POST '<'>  
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'  
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'  
-d '{  
  "widgetId": "b6393c9b-2f9f-4a12-a3b0-da8b0d3c6f8a",  
  "payeeId": "a5c2394d-f1bb-4f8f-98fb-65cf2c4d087c",  
  "reference": "slytherin",  
  "amount": 1500,  
  "endToEndId": "Hogwards-2024",  
  "useOnce": true,  
  "expiresAt": "2021-02-01T11:08:45.574Z"  

Example using moneyhub-api-client

const payLinkData = await moneyhub.addPayLink({
  widgetId: "b6393c9b-2f9f-4a12-a3b0-da8b0d3c6f8a",
  payeeId: "a5c2394d-f1bb-4f8f-98fb-65cf2c4d087c",
  reference: "slytherin",
  amount: 1500,
  endToEndId: "Hogwards-2024",
  useOnce: true,
  expiresAt: "2021-02-01T11:08:45.574Z"


A successful response will contain details of the newly created pay link:

  "id": "6db2f995-6a8d-4929-aafb-1989b2d5f72b",  
  "widgetId": "b6393c9b-2f9f-4a12-a3b0-da8b0d3c6f8a",  
  "payeeId": "a5c2394d-f1bb-4f8f-98fb-65cf2c4d087c",  
  "reference": "slytherin",  
  "amount": 1500,  
  "endToEndId": "Hogwards-2024",  
  "useOnce": true,  
  "expiresAt": "2021-02-01T11:08:45.574Z",  
  "createdAt": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",  
  "updatedAt": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000Z"  

Using the Pay Link

To use the pay link, add the payLinkId to your widget parameters upon initialisation. For demo purposes, you can visit:

For further details on initialising the widget, refer to the General Widget Configuration section.

With a pay link widget, you can then visit:


This allows users to easily make payments as per the created link details. Ensure you store these details securely for future reference and usage.