Manual Accounts - Account Details
Requirements for the accounts details object when creating a manual account
When creating a manual account, you specify an account details object, the below table describes which fields are allowed to be specified for each account type, and which fields are required.
Account Type | Allowed Fields | Required Fields |
investment, pension:*, crypto | none | none |
cash:current | AER, overdraftLimit | none |
savings | AER | none |
card | APR, creditLimit | none |
loan | APR, monthlyRepayment, endDate, interestFreePeriod | none |
mortgage:* | APR, monthlyRepayment, term, endDate, interestType, fixedDate, linkedProperty | term |
asset | runningCost, runningCostPeriod, yearlyAppreciation | none |
properties:* | postcode, yearlyAppreciation | none |
Updated over 1 year ago