These docs are for v2.5. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.


Missing permission for connection type

Why This Error Occurred

Your API client does not have access to make connections to the type of banks specified in the error.

Possible Ways to Fix It

You need to contact us to enable your API client with the appropriate scopes and permissions



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Missing permission for connection country

Why This Error Occurred

Your API client does not have access to banks in the country indicated in the error

Possible Ways to Fix It

You need to contact us to enable the country for your API client



This indicates that connections to banks in Ireland (IE) are not allowed for this API client

Session Not Found

Why This Error Occurred

This error usually happens for the following reasons:

  • The user started and finished the authorisation process on different browsers
  • The user started and finished the authorisation process on different devices
  • The user started on a safari view controller and finished on the mobile safari browser
  • The user's browser is not allowing session cookies

When the bank redirect back to us after the user gave consent we rely on session cookies to complete the authorisation process.

If the session can not be found we are now allowing the process to continue but it is mandatory to send the user id as the sub parameter when exchanging the authorisation code in our API.

Failing to submit the user Id will result in the following error when exchanging the code:
'sub' must be provided if cookies have been bypassed

Possible Ways to Fix It

You should submit the user id as sub parameter when exchanging the authorisation code.
An example request can be found in the Authentication section.

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