When creating an authorisation URL, you specify a set of claims that gives us extra information for how the connection will be made. Our discovery document details the claims
that we support, they currently include:
- User ID the connection will belong to
- Whether you want the connection ID returned in the resulting ID Token
- Whether you want the connection to be made asynchronously (these connections won't wait for the first batch of account and transaction data to return before the connection is complete)
- Request information on whether a certain counterparty is present in the resulting transactions.
- Category type to be applied to transactions received through the connection
- Information about a payment to initiate.
Generating a Claims Object
You can find more information in the OIDC specification on claims requests. But below is an introduction on how claims are used.
A claim request is simply a JSON object that describes what information you wish to request. All our claims we support currently belong for to the id_token
so the object will look like:
"id_token": {
"sub": {
"essential": true // recommended so that you get the user ID for the connection
// Moneyhub claims
Providing a User ID for a Connection
If you want to make a connection for a given user, you will specify the user ID within the
value of the claim.
Providing the Claims Object
If you are not using a request object in your authorisation URL, you need to ensure that the claims object is URL encoded. So for example, the following URL claim: %7B%22id_token%22:%7B%22sub%22:%7B%22essential%22:true%7D,%22mh:con_id%22:%7B%22essential%22:true%7D,%22mh:sync%22:%7B%22essential%22:true,%22value%22:%7B%22enableAsync%22:true%7D%7D%7D%7D
would be equivalent to:
These claims mean:
- Return the user ID for the connection
- Return the connection ID for the connection
- Make the connection asynchronously
- Also return the ID of the sync for the new connection
If you are using a request object, simply include the claims
object within the request object to be encoded.
Completing the Connection
On completion of a connection, you will get an ID Token which will include the information requested in the claims, for example for a claim request that was given above, you'll get:
"iss": "",
"sub": "24400320",
"aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",
"nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
"exp": 1311281970,
"iat": 1311280970,
"mh:con_id": "the-connection-id",
"mh:sync": "sync-id"
Updated 8 months ago
You can find more information on connection related claims in the documents below. If you wish to know more about the payments claim, please go to our payments documentation.