JUMP TOMoneyhub Identity ServiceconnectionsRetrieve all connectionsgetRetrieve all api connectionsgetRetrieve all legacy connectionsgetRetrieve all test connectionsgetRetrieve all connections that allow paymentsgetauth-requestsRetrieve all auth requests for a usergetCreate an auth requestpostRetrieve a single auth requestgetUpdate a single auth requestpatchuser connectionsRetrieve a user connectionsgetUpdate a single connectionpatchDeletes a single user connectiondeleteRetrieve a user connection's syncsgetRetrieve all syncs for a usergetRetrieve a single user connection syncgetpayeesRetrieve all payees created by an API clientgetCreate a payeepostRetrieve one payee created by an API clientgetpay-linksRetrieve all pay-links created by an API clientgetCreate a pay-linkpostRetrieve one pay-link created by an API clientgetpay-fileUpload a payment filepostRetrieve a previously uploaded payment filegetRetrieve all file payment consents created by an API clientgetRetrieve a single payment file consentgetpaymentsRetrieve all payments created by an API clientgetRetrieve a single paymentgetRetrieve all standing orders created by an API clientgetRetrieve a single standing ordergetRetrieve all recurring payments created by an API clientgetRetrieve a single recurring paymentgetRevokes a recurring paymentdeleteCreates a payment against a recurring payment consentpostusersRetrieve all users created by an API clientgetCreate a userpostRetrieve a single usergetDeletes a single userdeletescimCreate a scim user. This type of user holds personally identifiable informationpostRetrieve a scim user. This type of user holds personally identifiable informationgetconsentsDisplays the internal consent screen for a given auth requestgetauthConstruct authorisation url to authenticate the end-usergetRetrieve an authorisation tokenpostPushed Authorization Request endpoint. Retrieve a request_uri that can be used with the oidc/auth endpoint. More info here: https://docs.moneyhubenterprise.com/docs/how-to-use-pushed-authorization-request-par-endpointpostRetrieve Open ID Connect configurationgetbank-iconsRetreive the bank icon as SVG when providing a valid bank reference listed under our available connections. Can also return PNG or JPG images when .png or .jpg file extension is added.getMoneyhub Data API (v3)accountsRetrieve all accounts for a usergetCreate a single account for a userpostRetrieve a single accountgetUpdate a single accountpatchDelete a single accountdeleteRetrieve the historical balances for an accountgetAdd a new balance for an accountpostRetrieve sync information for all of a user's accountsgetholdingsRetrieve the holdings for an accountgetRetrieves a single holding for an account with matched ISIN codesgetRetrieve the holdings for an account with matched ISIN codesgetnotification thresholdsRetrieve the notification thresholds for an accountgetAdd a notification threshold to an accountpostUpdate a single notification thresholdpatchDelete a single notification thresholddeletestanding ordersRetrieve the standing orders for an accountgetRetrieve statementstatementsRetrieve the statements for an accountgetaffordabilityList of metadata for all affordability calculations for a usergetRequest affordability calculation for a userpostGet the affordability confidence calculation for a user, given the account and transaction data currently availablegetGet an existing affordability calculation for a usergetList of metadata for all affordability income calculations for a usergetRequest affordability income calculation for a userpostGet an existing affordability income calculation for a usergetbeneficiariesRetrieve all beneficiaries for a usergetRetrieve a single beneficiarygetcounterpartiesRetrieve global counterpartiesgettransactionsRetrieve all transactions for a usergetCreate a single transaction for a userpostRetrieve a single transactiongetUpdate a single transactionpatchDelete a single transactiondeleteCreate multiple transactions for a userpostRetrieve a transactions attachmentsgetAdd an attachment to a transactionpostRetrieve a transactions attachmentgetDelete a single attachment on a transactiondeleteRetrieve a transactions splitsgetSplit a transactionpostMerge split transactionsdeletePatch a transaction splitpatchcategoriesRetrieve all categories for a usergetAdd a new custom category for a userpostRetrieve a single categorygetRetrieve all category groups for a usergetregular transactionsRetrieve regular transactionsgetDetect regular transactionspostrental recordsRetrieve rental recognition recordgetCreate a rental recognition record for userpostDelete a rental recorddeletespending analysisRetrieve spending analysis by categories, projects and accountspostspending goalsRetrieve all spending goals for a usergetCreate a single spending goal for a userpostRetrieve a single spending goalgetUpdate a single spending goalpatchDelete a single spending goaldeletesavings goalsRetrieve all saving goals for a usergetCreate a single savings goal for a userpostRetrieve a single savings goalgetUpdate a single savings goalpatchDelete a single savings goaldeletesyncSync an existing connectionpostprojectsRetrieve all projects for a usergetCreate a single project for a userpostRetrieve a single projectgetUpdate a single projectpatchDelete a single projectdeletetaxRetrieve transactions to help answer SA105 - the Self Assessment questions for properties for HMRCgetPowered by Retrieve a single payment file consentget https://identity.moneyhub.co.uk/pay-file-consents/{payFileConsentId}Requires pay_file_consent:read scope.