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Intermittent OIDC 500 error

We've been receiving intermittent 500 errors from your oidc/tokenendpoint with the error invalid_grant. Based on the OAuth 2.0 spec we would expect this to be a 400 error so we were wondering if you could shine any light on exactly what could be causing this error and if it's some sort of issue in your side

Requesting additional scopes/permissions


In the Account Type 'Investments/Pensions' what are the different types of investments that are going to be possible to be fetched from the Moneyhub API?

I would like to know what are the different types of investments that would be fetchable through the API?

Error In Selecting Banks during auth-request

Why with original bankId gives 400 BAD REQUEST in Customized consent during auth-request while test bankId(1ffe704d39629a929c8e293880fb449a) is working?

Invalid client assertion format while creating a user


Flutter Integration?

Hi there. We're looking into MoneyHub for our Flutter apps, having moved things over from Native IOS/Android. Has anyone had any luck with this - specifically getting round a DART signer problem?


How to get the Refresh Token using private_key_jwt



How long does MoneyHub keep transactions for?

Is there a time limit on how long MoneyHub will keep my account transactions? i.e. Will I be able to go back through years worth of transactions (assuming I've had an account for that long)?