These docs are for v2.5. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.

Code Samples

We have released a repository that will demonstrate how to communicate with out APIs in various programming languages. Documentation can be found here


Variable Recurring Payments (VRP)

Variable Recurring Payments can now be created for banks that support them. VRPs allow a single consent to be created for multiple payments, with the ability to set limits on the time and amount


New Connection: Wise (formerly Transferwise)


Payments without a payeeId

We have added a new feature to our payment auth requests, including standing orders and recurring payments.


Default Initial Consent From Periods

We now make use of the initial transactions month history information we get for our banking providers (made available in our connection list) to allow our clients to retrieve more than the usual 12 months of transactions on initial connection.
If the banking provider gives us information on how far back they can go for transactions, we will either go the full length they provide, or 36 months by default (which ever is shortest). So for example:


Payee Schema Validation

Inputs for payee details like sort code and account number are validated correctly, returning a HTTP 400 Bad Request response with the correct body describing what format is expected for the given fields.


Sync Endpoints Include Connection ID

Previously, the sync end points didn't return any information about the connection ID the syncs are associated with. This has now been updated. See reference for updated response schema here


Typescript API client

The latest version (v5.0.0) of our API client has been rewritten in Typescript! 🎉
This will allow you to use our client library with strongly typed method arguments and responses.
You can find it here!


Post Connection Enrichment Data



To view the webhook, you need an API client with regular_transactions:read scope enabled.

Native and Mobile Apps Docs

New section explaining some best practices when using our API as part of a Mobile app.