Versioning changes for the V3 release

A new version of our API has been published :tada:


POST /accounts/{accountId}/recurring-transactions: This endpoint has been removed. For handling recurring transactions, please update your integration accordingly.

GET /accounts/{accountId}/counterparties: This endpoint has been removed in the new counterparties V3 structure

GET /accounts-list endpoints will no longer be available


Global Counterparty: Previously, the counterpartiesVersion parameter allowed users to specify whether they wanted to retrieve global counterparties data in v2 or v3 formats. With v3 update, our Swagger UI no longer displays counterpartiesVersion as an available query parameter for the /global-counterparties endpoint in the v3, indicating that we are standardizing the response to v3 format only. Please visit this page for detailed information.

Counterparties V3: enabled counterparties v3 as the default for all endpoints

GET /accounts : The GET /accounts now uses showTransactionData and showPerformanceScore set to false by default.

Sync Endpoint: For the POST /sync/{connectionId} endpoint, enableAsync is now true by default.


Versioning: Added two new endpoints to serve Swagger documentation:

Allowed API gateway urls to be passed without versions: Unless the version is specified in the URL, it will point at version 3 by default.